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3 Myths about Cosmetic Dentistry that Aren’t What They Seem

April 10, 2023

Filed under: Uncategorized — auburndental @ 9:12 pm
young adult with a beautiful smile

Cosmetic dentistry is incredibly popular with patients, which makes sense; people tend to get more excited about whitening and straightening their teeth than root canals and fillings.

However, as with much of dentistry, there are quite a few misunderstandings about what cosmetic dentistry entails. Here are some common myths about cosmetic dentistry, and why they aren’t what they seem.

Myth #1: Cosmetic Dentistry is Painful

Dentistry as a whole often gets a reputation for being painful, and cosmetic dentistry often catches a bit of that. However, the truth is that nearly every cosmetic dental treatment is completely painless!

Most of the most common cosmetic dental treatments, like teeth whitening and dental bonding, involve something as simple as layering a specialized material over the teeth. Even others, like veneers and dental crowns, are usually accompanied by dental anesthetics that can keep you comfortable for the duration of the procedure.

Myth #2: Braces are the Only Way to Address Alignment Issues

When people start becoming interested in cosmetic dentistry, one of the most common issues they want to address is the alignment of their teeth. Braces and Invisalign can obviously do that well, but depending on the exact issues that you need to have dealt with, there are other options.

If you have gaps in your teeth, for example, you might talk to your dentist about using dental bonding to subtly reshape your teeth. Even if you have some pretty severe misalignment, veneers can layer over your smile such that any misalignment disappears. Even if you don’t want to go through a year or so of braces, you may be able to get a smile straighter than what you had before.

Myth #3: It’s Only About Looks

Despite the name, cosmetic dentistry actually has quite a few serious health benefits for some people.

For one, dental bonding and veneers are often recommended for those who have had their enamel become incredibly thin. This can have cosmetic effects, but it can also lead to some sensitivity in the teeth that may be mitigated by veneers or direct bonding.

If you’ve been on the fence about cosmetic dentistry for one reason or another, hopefully this guide gave you some information that put you at ease.

About Our Practice

At Auburn Dental Smiles, we’re happy to be able to offer our patients any dental service they could need, from checkups to dental implants. Our incredible dental team, led by husband-and-wife dentists Drs. Manpreet and Dr. Navdeep Dhaliwal, will take the time to lead you through every step of the process and to keep you completely comfortable for every part of treatment.

If you have any questions about cosmetic dentistry, we can be reached at our website or by phone at (253) 833-2290.

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